Monday, September 26, 2011

How Harry Potter Should Have Ended

I love How It Should Have Ended's videos and they are so hilarious and I actually agree on some movies that's how it should have ended.
I am pretty behind on this, I had to post something on this tab because I haven't in a while so I chose this one.
So I was waiting for HISHE to post how Harry Potter should have ended because of course the franchise has finally ended and this lived up to my expectations. It is hilarious and I love it!
So I give to you, "How Harry Potter Should Have Ended"!

CAUTION! This contains spoilers, if you have not seen The Deathly Hallows Part 1 or 2 or other Harry Potter movies this might ruin it for you.

This is probably one of my favorite HISHE video. It's partially true and so funny! I will definitely be posting more HISHE videos because they are just so brilliant. But I am so sorry I haven't been posting videos here. I couldn't find a good one to post! But thank you to anyone watching these videos and I will try to post more frequently.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

So in my Subscription box is a new video from Philip Defranco (sxephil)'s new channel, Stuff Phil Likes, and he has a playlist of videos that he likes and he shares them to all that watch.
This particular video was in the playlist today and I found it incredible.
It's so inspiring and I thought, I had to post this on here.
In the video speaking is a comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin. All of the words he said are so true.
Excuse the mustache, I have no idea what thing he was saying it for, but it's just amazing.
So I give you, "The Greatest Speech Ever Made".

NOTE: There is a very brief clip of nudity. It is of little boys and they are naked. Just a heads up.

I hope you found it as inspiring as I did.

If you want to know the song used, it is:

"Window" by The Album Leaf

Sunday, September 4, 2011

'Star Wars (John Williams Is The Man)' a cappella tribute medley

So this video is by Corey Vidal (ApprenticeA). This is his most known work, getting over 15 million views. This video went instantly viral, constantly being sent around and seen by a lot of  people. It has been a while since being uploaded, which was in 2008, but the views keep increasing. 
This video is a dedication to one of the most famous film composers, John Williams. He is very known, doing a lot of most memorable scores including:
"Star Wars"
"E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial"
"Indiana Jones"
"Jurrasic Park"
"Harry Potter" (not sung in this video)
and many others.
So now I give you:
"'Star Wars (John Williams Is The Man)' a cappella tribute medley"

This video is one of my personal favorites ever. I am a huge fan of John Williams and seeing this always puts a smile on my face. 
Many people always ask Corey if he sings in this, but it is not his voice. a group called "Moosebutter" sung this and wrote it. Corey thought it was great and asked the group if he could put it on Youtube and they agreed. He never knew it would get this many views so they split the income that they get from the many views coming in on the video.
But this video is great and the harmonies are well put together. So if you are having a bad day, just look at this and it will make you feel instantly better.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hot Kool Aid

So the next video is by Julian Smith (juliansmith87). This one is one of the most popular from him, most of his videos are though. So the first Julian Smith video I'm posting is titled: "Hot Kool Aid". This one got over 9 million views. It has been 2 years so the time it has been uploaded to now has been a while. But it was still popular 2 years ago.
So I give to you now, "Hot Kool Aid"!

I think this is the first video I've ever watched from him and I died laughing. It is so hilarious! I don't know how he comes up with this stuff but it's gold. The best thing is that none of his videos have curse words or inappropriate things in them. They are just good, funny, solid writing. I will be posting a lot of his videos on here, but of course as I said in "The 9 Ways To Treat A Woman" post, not all at once. I might post another one of his videos next week or next year. It will be spontaneous. But the next video I post won't be from someone who is famous on YouTube. I just want to get the videos that are some of my favorite posted so I can cover the videos that I might just find.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The 9 Ways To Treat A Woman

So to kick off my first real post, I am going to start with BiTANick. I have been subscribed to them for a while now and every one of their videos are hilarious and clever. They don't post videos often, but when they do they are a treat and they never lose quality. I will probably be posting a few of their videos on here, but not all at once, I don't want to seem like that's all I post. But their videos are so good I will have to post more than 1.
So the first BriTANick video I'm posting is "The 9 Ways To Treat A Woman". This one got over 1 million views and they totally deserve it. This video is so hilarious! So I now introduce the video.


Some women found it offensive. It's not suppose to be taken seriously, it's just for comedic relief. I am a girl and I found it hilarious! Especially at the end. Trust me, all of their videos are this funny and some are even funnier. If you haven't heard of these guys, now you have and I would highly recommend you check them out and subscribe. They don't have as many subscribers as they deserve. But this is the first video I recommend and I will be updating a lot on this tab because I am always on YouTube.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome to the YouTube videos page!

I go on YouTube a lot, mainly because I do have a channel and I subscribe to a lot of people. But there will be those times where I just search up random videos because I'm bored. A lot of the videos I find are absolutely hilarious and I think that it would be a great idea to post the videos worth watching. It takes a lot to make me actually laugh a real laugh. So if someone as stubborn of a laugher like I am find it funny then I think that a lot of people will find the videos just as hilarious as I do, or it doesn't have to be a comedy video, it can just be awesome. So I decided to create this YouTube videos page so I can share the videos.  I can post anything I want on this page. It could be a YouTube celebrity's video or it could be something I just happen to find. Don't worry though, if the video contains adult language or content, I will post this picture before the video:

This will tell you that it might not be safe to watch with people that might be offended or with the speakers on. Just a little precaution. Usually the videos I like don't have explicit content but if it does, you will know. Feel free to comment anything that I should check out on YouTube. If I feel like a YouTube channel is worth checking out then I will post it on here. Feel free to show your YouTube channel to me, but I won't be doing this often. I hope you enjoy the things that I will post! :)